Currently in Dev, Launch by 4/15/25

Augusta Rule Implementations Done Right.

We help guide, document, and implement Augusta Rule Deductions (IRC 280A (g)) through our online suite setup for Tax Preparers only.

Let’s Re-Think Augusta

A Great Deduction, and Profitable Add-on for Your Tax Clients…If It’s Done Right

We’re Named by IRC Code

IRC Code is even in our name! Technically we should use but isn’t a memorable name? If you want to learn about Augusta just search the IRC Code.

Compliant Processes

The process of evaluating comparable properties is designed to be IRS-compliant and helps prevent the chance of abuse. We put the power in YOUR hands so clients don’t abuse this tax deduction.

Make Documentation Easy!

Keeping all the documentation for an Augusta rule organized isn’t easy. We take the data for a tax year and organize it for you, so that all the comp prices, meeting notes, and documentation is in one place.

Less Work, More Profit

Instead of churning out more 1040’s, save some headaches through more profit per customer. Customers want more deductions and this deduction is a billable add-on, which makes business owners and tax pros smile.

The Power is In YOUR Hands

With our help system, summary training, built-in checks and balances for compliance, we empower you to do an Augusta rule right. This is why the entire 280TaxBreak system was designed around you, the Tax Pro.

We guide you through the process, providing supporting info to prove your good judgement for IRS compliance, and document it all so it’s always available. Our system helps you complete an Augusta plan in minutes and bill hundreds for it.

Professional Expertise That Commands Dollars

As a Tax pro, your experience, licenses, certifications, and the years of long days and nights are why your clients trust your expertise. Our tool helps you leverage that expertise into billing more per client.

Earn more per client on average and work less is our goal and . Through our tools a complete Augusta case can be completed in approximately 15-20 minutes.

Clients LOVE This

Think of your customer’s perspective as you introduce a tax deduction option to a business owner that matches their current behavior and it helps the business owner to tax-free income. That suggestion is almost universally loved, by everyone, everywhere, at all times of the day.

Many owners already hold meetings on a regular basis, and through minor changes, like a new locale and documenting meetings, they can pull in tax-free income while saving a little on their company’s bottom line all while being Augusta-rule compliant.

Customers can see their tax-free income sidebar as they work with our tool, encouraging compliance with the rules and documenting each meeting. Any customer who saves more than the Augusta prep costs on their taxes will gladly pay the Tax pro’s invoice, and reinforce loyalty for your best clients. Your clients will love this.